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ICI receives USAID grant to implement “Island Plastic Challenge”

Jun 21, 2022

Colombo, Sri Lanka Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program — On March 7, 2022, Island Climate Initiative (Pvt) Ltd (ICI) signed an agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supported Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program (CCBO) to implement the “Island Plastic Challenge.” The “Island Plastic Challenge” will run a platform to crowdsource solutions to single-use plastic packaging problems faced by Sri Lanka’s Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) sector. ICI will promote the platform globally, enabling both local and international innovators to pitch their solutions to FMCG companies. ICI will support FMCG companies and solution providers to pilot best-fit solutions to reduce the plastic footprint of their business models.

Through the activity, ICI will engage closely with participating companies and key government stakeholders to ensure that the solutions sourced will be technically and commercially viable and fit within the Government of Sri Lanka’s regulatory framework related to plastic waste.

“Plastic pollution has reached a critical level, threatening development progress, major industries, and human health. USAID is leveraging its extensive networks, expertise, and global experience to promote locally-led solutions to address ocean plastics pollution. As such, we hope our support to the Island Climate Initiative will help local companies to reduce their single-use plastic footprint,” said Gabriel Grau, Mission Director for USAID Sri Lanka and Maldives.

CCBO is USAID’s flagship program to respond to the ocean plastics pollution crisis. The five-year, $48 million global program works in more than seven rapidly urbanizing countries to address ocean plastics directly at their source. The program builds sustainable solutions that reduce ocean plastics while empowering vulnerable populations and mitigating pollution that affects human health and climate.

ICI is a Sri Lankan company driving sustainable innovation and investment in the areas of clean energy, circular economy, and smart agriculture.

For more information on USAID’s CCBO program, please visit https://urban-links.org/project/ccbo/ and https://www.usaid.gov/sri-lanka/clean-cities-blue-ocean.

For more information on ICI, please visit islandclimateinitiative.com.

Island Climate

Initiative (Pvt) Ltd

No 30/11, 2nd Lane Koswatte Road,

Nawala, Sri Lanka

© ICI 2024

Island Climate

Initiative (Pvt) Ltd

No 30/11, 2nd Lane Koswatte Road,

Nawala, Sri Lanka

© ICI 2022